The General Council, Sisters Caroline Njah, Annemarie Egan, Michele Totman and Yvette Sam send Christmas wishes to all the sisters:
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Jn 1:14
As we celebrate the Incarnation, may the dwelling of Christ in each of us transform our longing for union among ourselves and with all God's Creation.
Like Mary, let us go forward, responding to the Call to be channels and signs of God's loving presence, and instruments of hope and peace in our fractured world.
With our love and blessings for 2025
Caroline, Annemarie, Michele and Yvette
Here are excerpts from Christmas messages sent from all areas of the Congregation | |
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FROM the HOLY UNION SISTERS in the UNITED KINGDOM and IRELAND: In the midst of all the challenges around us, we remember the words of the angels: "Do not be afraid". As we journey into 2025, we pray we will be channels of peace and good news. |
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FROM the HOLY UNION SISTERS in ARGENTINA: Que el nacimiento de Jesús Salvador renueve los corazones, suscite el deseo de construir un futuro más fraterno y solidario y traiga a todos alegría y esperanza. |
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FROM the HOLY UNION SISTERS in CAMEROON "His contemplation of the Union of Jesus and Mary in the mystery of the Incarnation led him to give us a name of special significance La Sainte Union." May the pondering of this same mystery illumine our hearts and faces as we contemplate the CHILD in the manger. May we witness to its beauty and richness through concrete actions that transform our lives and those of our brothers and sisters for a better society where justice and peace find a home. |
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FROM the HOLY UNION SISTERs in FRANCE and BELGIUM: Paix sur la terre Aux hommes qu'll aime. Luc, 2. Bonne Fête de Noel Belle Année 2025! |
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FROM the HOLY UNION SISTERS in TANZANIA: “But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” Luke 2:10 May the birth of Christ dwell in each of us, transform our longing for Union among ourselves and with God's people. Like Mary, let us go forward in bringing peace and joy to all God's Creation. |
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FROM the HOLY UNION SISTERS in the UNITED STATES: God's long-awaited Gift Emmanuel - God with Us Rejoice! Let us live in the Light of God's all-embracing Love. May the Love with which God gifts us and the Communion we share embrace our world with the peace and tenderness for which it deeply yearns. |